The AFS MALAYSIA Year End Party was held on the 26th of December 2015 at PJ8 Service Suites by the poolside with an amazing view of the evening sunset.

The AFS MALAYSIA Year End Party was held on the 26th of December 2015 at PJ8 Service Suites by the poolside with an amazing view of the evening sunset.
The party kicked off at 4:00 P.M. with more guests arriving to the party as time goes by. Fellow AFS-ers of different backgrounds and also different exchange experiences. I still remember that everyone was so quiet because they didn’t know each other but by the time the evening progresses, everyone treated each other like a best friend!
There were barbeque and also different types of food that were served in the party. It was a potluck kind of tradition where everyone brought their own food and served to the guests. I still remember there were satay, fried chicken which were my favourite. After all, the food was great and everyone filled their stomach with the good spread.
Activities during the event went quite well. Everyone was catching up with each other. Meeting up old friends and also making new ones! I too had the opportunity to know a lot of new people from different exchange programs. Besides that, helping out with the preparation of the food (barbeque) was exciting. The barbeque was set up by several members of the AFS Returnee Alumni committee. I still remember that they were so focused on lighting up the fire that they almost forgot to enjoy the party. And I helped to grill the chicken and hot dogs, joked around and took selfies while barbecuing. I almost forgot about the “apam balik” experimental cooking. We made few attempts to make a perfect and delicious “apam balik” filled with peanut and sweet corn. I believe we somehow managed to make some.

Fadhli bin Hj Ahmad (Gee)
Returnee JENESYS 2011